sapphire tube CZmethod KY method High Temperature Resistance Al2O3 99.999% single crystal sapphire
p-type 4H/6H-P 3C-N TYPE SIC substrate 4inch 〈111〉± 0.5°Zero MPD
SiC substrate P-type 4H/6H-P 3C-N 4inch withe thickness of 350um Production grade Dummy grade
4H/6H-P 6inch SiC wafer Zero MPD grade Production Grade Dummy Grade
P-type SiC wafer 4H/6H-P 3C-N 6inch thickeness 350 μm with Primary Flat Orientation
Alumina ceramic arm custom Ceramic robotic arm
Al2O3 99.999% sapphire custom blade transparent wear resistant 38×4.5×0.3mmt
Sapphire blade hair transplant can be customized for medical purposes
Lilac YAG raw material powder purple in stock
TVG process on quartz sapphire BF33 wafer Glass wafer punching
Single Crystal Silicon Wafer Si Substrate Type N/P Optional Silicon Carbide Wafer
N-Type SiC Composite Substrates Dia6inch High quality monocrystaline and low quality substrate