Sapphire tube and rod
High hardness translucent sapphire single crystal tube
EFG sapphire tubes rods large length dimension up to 1500mm High temperature resistance
Transparent sapphire tubes pipes rods high temperature resistance high pressure resistance high transmittance
KY sapphire single crystal pipes tube rods all side polished full transparent
Sapphire pillar fully polished wear resistant transparent single crystal
Sapphire thermocouple protection tube products industrial use Single crystal Al2O3
EFG CZ KY sapphire tubes rods Al2O3 99.999% single crystal sapphire
Sapphire precision tube Single crysatl Al2O3 99.999% rods for high tempurture container crucible
Sapphire Tube sapphire rods speacial shape high-pressure KY and EFG
KY and EFG Sapphire Method Tube sapphire rods pipe high-pressure